Sometimes you’re just standing around and wondering where to go visit next, then comes a Robin and lands on a fountain and well just perfect timing. Didn’t stay long, however long enough to get a few of these photo’s. Which I’d say out all the photo’s taken they were some of the best of the day.

I took the bus back home, National Express gave us all a tour around London, turns out the driver was using satnav that wanted to go the long way or hadn’t been updated.. guy reversed a bus on a highway that was closed lol, took us around in circles for an hour. Would have got some cool photo’s however the tinted windows and a bus filled with annoyed people put me off (DSLR cameras don’t have a quiet mode that is actually quiet lol) and I was tired aswel 🙂
Visit the London Squirrel Park as the photos on there were taken on the same day.

China Town was so busy, is this normal for a Sunday?
China Town
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Do check out the other the posts from the Brussels trip like the 1700 images from Brussels in a 1 minute timelapse video
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